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Sector: Civils

PSI Global Has Provided Civil Engineering Recruitment for Decades

Our civil engineering recruitment team has built a reputation of excellence in recruitment services within the UK and beyond. When you register your information with our civils recruitment team at PSI Global, our team will be able to connect you with civils roles across a variety of projects.

We can also help resource a highly skilled team for your company’s next project. We’ll proactively work with you to understand your project needs and source a team of qualified workers from our database. We regularly recruit for contract and permanent roles, including CAD Managers, Site Managers, Quantity Surveyors, and Labourers.

When you work with PSI Global’s recruitment team, we can guarantee…

  • We’ll use our database of experienced civils workers to make sure we put the right worker in the right role.
  • A team that puts the workers first, including on-site visits to check on the physical and mental wellbeing of our workers, and regular rewards for a job well done.
  • Payroll is always done on time.
  • A workforce that isn’t only experienced for the project at hand, but one that is afforded the opportunity for training and upskilling.

“I’ve been working with PSI since December 2019 and from day one it’s been first class service!”

“Great communication throughout, from medical to start date. Full PPE provided on arrival. The team are on-site twice a week to check on the lad’s welfare and sort out any issues. Given my previous experience with construction companies, PSI are a breath of fresh air to the industry.” -Danny, Costain – Preston

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